Sunday, August 15, 2010

Voki Avatars

I have just created my first avatar using the Voki Avatar program.

This was a very simple process and one the students would have a lot of fun doing. Here lies one of the biggest drawbacks to the use of avatars in the class. I think that it would be a challenge to get students to focus on creating content when the delivery process is so much fun. Students would require a while to ‘play with’ and explore the program before they would be expected to create avatars for presentations.

Despite this, avatars could be a useful tool in the classroom. They would be very engaging and entertaining for students to use and when this enthusiasm is channeled, it could be a great synthesis tool for students to present information through.

This simple to use tool would definitely have a place my classroom.

The journey continues,



  1. Hi Lynn,
    Just wondering, I too believe that Avatars would be an engaging tool to use in the classroom and would engage the learners, however would the novelty wear off? I have used them before and I do agree that they allow the learners to play around and present their findings as another person. It is a great tool to use for the learners that can not complete public speaking tasks and for teachers to use to infrom or give students direct instruction but my concern is that the students could eventually get disengaged in the tool and then the educational context would be missing. What do you think?

  2. Hi Amy,
    I totally agree, avatars would be a fun and engaging tool for a specific task but the novelty would quickly where off if they were overused. Avatars, as with all of the electronic tools, need to be carefully used so that the focus is always on the content and not the delivery process. If the electronic tool is the only focus then the students may have fun but without developing their knowledge and understandings.

    How would you use them in the classroom? What activities, lessons or tasks could they support?

    Thanks for the comments,



  3. Hi Lynn, avatars are used at the school I am currently in but to be honest I've only seen them really played with in the classroom computer lab where students going during breaks. Do you think this is limiting to their potential as a possible teaching tool?

  4. Hi Chrissa and Lynn,
    I agree with you Chrissa that I have never really seen them used in the classroom for informing and educational purposes, however dont you both think that this tool would be fantastic to use for Indigenous learners or shy learners to present oral presentations? I think that Avatars would give them the opportunity to feel like they can hide behind a character, yet still put forward their learning.
    Do you know if anyone has used Avatars for any tasks involving assessment?
    I would be interested to know

  5. Hi Amy,
    Yes I have seen them used in the classroom, very effectively, by my Prac teacher last year. He had a Logitech camera that came with free software that allowed the students to sit in front of the computer and create an avatar that mimicked their movements. These were then recorded and could be played back for the class. It was very engaging for the students and I saw a lot of peer and collaborative learning encouraged as the students all loved to be the experts.
    A great tool that I can't wait to play with when I have a little more free time.

